Tuesday, 21 November 2017

The Day of GRE Test, an informative by Shiksha GRE coaching classes in Ahmedabad

On GRE test day, Student have valid and acceptable identification review your confirmation email prior to test day so that you know the location of the test centre and the time of your testing appointment. Students test fees will not be refunded if students score cancelled. Report to the test centre at least 30 Minutes prior to your scheduled test  timing. If student arrive late he will not be able to attend GRE exam. Dress so that you can adapt to any room temperature. Test related information written on clothing is prohibited. Food beverages, tobacco, Watch, Phone and firearms are not allowed in the test room. Student not permitted to go outside the test centre unless it is to use the rest room only during the test .if at any time during the test you have a problem with your computer or for any other reason raise your hand. Here is some more information about GRE test day from Shiksha, the GRE coaching in ahmedabad.

GRE Coaching ahmedabad

Test includes an optional 10 minute break after the third section & one minute break between the remaining section of test. Personal calculators not allowed in test room. You may work only on the test section by the test centre only for the time allowed. You will not be able to continue the test of it beyond the time limit. Creating a disturbance not allowed in test room. Don’t try to make a new thing or tactics. Refer all your module before the test day. Be calm and cool don’t take any type of pressure that it makes bring down to your self-confidence be positive & believe in yourself. On test day, student bring own passport original not a photocopy,16 digit code number print out or Xerox that  received from ETS, another id proof like driving license, pan card original. 

On test day, eat light food or a fruit like apple, bananas. Go half an hour early before your reporting time. Take a deep & long breath. Don’t bring pencil or paper they provide you pencil & paper. For awa 30 minutes allotted to issue & argument each of them. For verbal section 30 minutes & for Maths section 35 minutes are allotted .There are five sections 2 verbal section,2 maths section & 1 is dummy section which is maths or verbal. At the end of the test you will be given the option to report or cancel your scores. 

If you choose to report your scores those scores will become a part of reportable history and can’t be cancelled. Student have the option to cancel your scores it allows to report only the scores that student have a chance to put up their best scores. On test day, at the test centre student will be asked to designate his score recipients and choose the score select option regarding which score should be reported.

For more information on GRE coaching classes please visit Shiksha - The Learning Center, Ahmedabad